24 November, 2009

Just in Case You Missed It

The Logia: A Journal of Lutheran Theology issue for Reformation 2008 (17.4) was devoted to the question "What hath Athens to do with Jerusalem?" lutheranly-put: "What hath Athens to do with Wittenberg?" The guest editor was C.P.E. Springer (initials intended by his parents, so he tells me, to evoke that other C[arl] P[hilipp] E[mmanuel], the son of J[ohann] S[ebastian], themselves products of exactly the kind of schooling Renascentes Musae is devoted to). Under Springer's guest editorship, the volume brought to voice, as from the cave of the Sibyl, the rumblings and groanings for a higher education that in form and substance advances and supports the theology of the Wittenberg Reformation that have long been underground in confessional Lutheranism (Aeneid 6.42–44). If nothing else, the volume expresses, loud and clear, the longing among confessional Lutherans today for an education worthy of the Reformation of which we are heirs. Contributors include the above-named guest editor with an introduction, "Wittenberg and Athens" as well as an appreciation of Luther's appreciation of the fabulist Aesop; the Renascentes Musae blogger on the shape of the university reforms at Wittenberg in the first years; Kevin L. Gingrich on what Erasmus' 1516 Novum Instrumentum Omne hath now wrought in the study of the New Testament; Anders Kraal, James A. Kellerman, and Mark D. Nispel, in separate papers, addressing the misunderstanding held by many who paint Luther's theology and Lutheran theology in general as fideistic; and Martin R. Noland on "The Lutheran Mind and Its University," which should form the starting point for any further thinking about what the 21st-century re-birth of the Muses re-born in the Wittenberg Reformation should like--institutionally, intellectually, spiritually, and in its curriculum.

So, just in case you missed it: the good people at Logia assure me that they are happy, for a modest price, to send you the totum of which this brief advertisement is but a pars [click here].

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